Tag Archives: gut

How You Can Help Leaky Gut Syndrome

In brief, leaky gut syndrome is a collection of conditions that can not only be quite painful but also be linked to autoimmune diseases which can be the cause of many health problems. Such conditions mainly consist of a damaged intestinal lining. When the intestinal wall is damaged it is therefore unable to function properly as a filter and protect the interior of the stomach. As a result toxins can leak out of the intestines and into the blood stream. In an attempt to fight against bacteria […]

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How to Prevent the Progression of a Leaky Gut

Many of us have experienced at some point one or two of the symptoms that are related to leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut syndrome is in fact as it sounds, the leaking or passing of toxins from the intestine into the blood stream. It happens as a result of the intestinal lining becoming damaged and therefore unable to act as a barrier to prevent anything from passing. Once waste and toxins pass into the blood the body then fights back by reacting in an auto immune way. […]

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Natural Herbs to Cure Your Leaky Gut

When it comes to leaky gut syndrome, which is a breakdown of the gut lining, sufferers experience a range of discomforts such as gas (flatulence), indigestion, bloating, etc. It might seem like the first thing to do is go straight to your doctor for a prescription drug. However, I’m sure you’ll agree, if you can solve your leaky gut syndrome without drugs, then you’d prefer that route, yes? There are healthy, herbal, homeopathic alternatives to dangerous prescription drugs. Herbs have been used for centuries to help remedy […]

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Signs of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome is best described as damaged intestinal lining. When the actual lining of the intestine becomes somewhat inflamed it fails to function correctly. The porous lining is unable to act as a barrier and prevent toxins from passing through and into the blood stream. The body’s natural response it to fight back against infection and therefore an autoimmune reaction takes place. Early symptoms of leaky gut syndrome include stomach cramps, excess gas and bloating. Often these symptoms become gradually worse, to the point where the […]

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What Causes Leaky Gut Syndrome

When the walls of the small intestine are damaged and become permeable, semi digested food and toxins are then able to pass through into the blood stream. This then triggers off various symptoms and a range of immunity deficiency diseases. Leaky gut syndrome therefore progresses gradually and it is usually not until various obvious symptoms make themselves felt that the condition is diagnosed. It is said that leaky gut syndrome is on the increase as more and more people are taking certain medications which can have harmful […]

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Effect of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome occurs when the intestines become inflamed and irritated as a result of becoming increasingly porous. Toxins and undigested foods are then able to pass into the bloodstream as the lining of the intestines starts to leak. The body’s autoimmune system becomes overwhelmed from the increase in toxins and therefore begins to attack healthy cells usually present in other vital organs of the body. The effects of leaky gut syndrome give way to a whole host of gastrointestinal problems such as excessive gas or flatulence, […]

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Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome affects millions of people each year and seems to be getting worse. What’s interesting is, most people don’t even realize they have a leaky gut. Most people who have gastro-intestinal complaints are in fact suffering from leaky gut syndrome. It’s now more important than ever to keep and maintain a healthy gut, especially the older you get. Your digestive system is one of the most important systems when it comes to your overall health. Most of your immune mechanisms are located inside of your […]

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Leaky Gut Syndrome Causes And Cures

If you’re wondering what leaky gut syndrome is, you’re not alone. Most people have never heard of it, let alone understand its causes and potential cures. It’s a misunderstood gastro-intestinal disorder that often causes bloating, cramping in the abdomen, gas (flatulence), and sensitive reactions to certain foods. While it is a terms used by doctors, it’s technically not a medical term. Doctors often will run tests and try to determine if you have one of the more common digestive ailments and if your doctor cannot definitively determine […]

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How to Treat Your Leaky Gut

Leaky gut syndrome technically is not a medical term. Rather, it can encompass a range of gastro-intestinal problems that can, if untreated, adversely affect your immune system. Leaky gut syndrome is often a wake up call because your gut is telling you something is wrong and it needs to be fixed asap. Prescriptions may not be the cure as they can cause further complications to your health so be sure you look into alternative, healthier ways to cure your leaky gut. When considering “cures” for leaky guy […]

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Reasons for Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome is a health condition that occurs when the cells of the mucosal walls, which are inside the small intestine, become damaged. The intercellular spaces widen, grow larger, thus allowing undigested food particles and waste to make their way into the blood stream. The reaction can cause a plethora of immuno-deficiency diseases and cause great pain and discomfort. So, what are the reasons for leaky gut syndrome? Firstly, it’s important to understand that leaky gut syndrome doesn’t occur quickly. It’s a condition that makes itself […]

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