Natural Herbs to Cure Your Leaky Gut

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When it comes to leaky gut syndrome, which is a breakdown of the gut lining, sufferers experience a range of discomforts such as gas (flatulence), indigestion, bloating, etc. It might seem like the first thing to do is go straight to your doctor for a prescription drug. However, I’m sure you’ll agree, if you can solve your leaky gut syndrome without drugs, then you’d prefer that route, yes?

There are healthy, herbal, homeopathic alternatives to dangerous prescription drugs. Herbs have been used for centuries to help remedy 100s of different ailments and leaky gut is no different. Below are some herbs suggested to help remedy leaky gut syndrome.

Slippery Elm – this herb is known to help treat problems related to the skin such as burns, boils, inflammation, etc. However, it’s also known to help reduce intestinal issues as it coats your insides to help prevent a leaky gut lining.

Peppermint Tea – is another known herb for treating digestive ailments. This tea helps prevent some of the bacteria and toxins that can leak into your blood stream, thus affecting your liver adversely, by leaking through the gut wall. Peppermint tea helps reduce bacteria and potential infection.

Chamomile Tea – has properties known to treat gut problems by reducing excessive gas, belly cramps and pains. Drinking chomomile tea is often used to help reduce stress and stress is yet another cause of gastrointestinal problems that can turn into leaky gut.

It’s important to remember that while herbal teas are excellent on the digestive system, you must also change your dietary habits and eat healthier foods while avoiding refined sugars, white flour, processed foods, etc. Exercise, drinking more water, reducing stress levels are also excellent ways to get rid of your leaky gut syndrome.

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